Kolar issue: CS yesterday met CGMT Karnataka Shri P Raghavan and discussed on the high handed acts by the Kolar Administration and harassment on our members. CS requested for the immediate cancellation of the transfer order issued in respect of Com Narain Nandakumar which is one glaring example of the baised action. CGMT held detailed discussion with us and assurred to look into the matter...
Judgement of Hon Supreme Court of India on LDCE case :
For Hon Supreme Court Order ( SLP 22720/2011)Click here...
In the meantime the RP (315/2011) scheduled and heard on 26-8-2011 in Hon High Court of Karnataka..For details of Review Petition Click here <<1>> <<2>>..
Kolar District Conference:
In the colourfull District Conference held at District Co-operative Union Hall, DCC Bank Kolar, the following office bearers have been unanimously elected for the year 2011-2012.
President: Com T G Ramakrishna SDE(G) Gouribidanur
Vice President: Com Jayashree Kumari & Com K Shridhar
District Secretary: Com Narain Nanda Kumar JTO Mbl
ADS: Venkataramana JTO Shidlagatta, Com K Mahesh JTO Malur
Dist Treasurer: Com Pradeep Singh JTO Kolar
Asst Dist Treasurer: Com Abhilash JTO Kolar
Lady Welfare Secretary: Com P Deepti JTO Kolar
Org Secretary: Com H Nazeer JTO Kolar
Executive Committee Members:
- K N Prashanth JTO STR Kolar
- Com Shri Rammohan JTO Bangarpet
- Com Krishnamurthy SDE Bagepalli
- Com Naveed Pasha JTO Shrinivaspur
- Com Hemasundar JTO OFC Kolar
Auditor: Com Dinakaran JAO Kolar (Nominated)
For the Glimpses of Kolar District Conference Click here....
The Conference was attended by more than 50 members and huge number of JTOs joined the organisation to support the aims and objectives of SNEA(I) under the leadership of Com G L Jogi. The Circle Secretary Com S B Nagavi and DS BGTD Com M S Hiremugadur have attended the conference and addressed the gathering. Respected Shri N R Natarajan, GM Kolar attending as the Chief Gust opended the session and addressed the gathering and focussed on the objective of getting more revenue to the company. DGM Smt Nirmala and AGM staff have also accompanied the GM. Our GS also addressed the house though phone and thanked the comrades for joining their home of engineers for strenghtening the organisation in the future struggles focussed on the issues of our young JTOs/JAOs..
Later CS along with new office bearers met the GM and once again requested to withdraw the unwarranted ( biased )transfer order issued in respect of JTOs and strongly objected the deliberate negligence of the officers not allowing the JTOs APARs to be seen for the last 3 years who are kept under darkness in r/o their APARs..
Land Mark Judgement of Hon Supreme Court of India:
Today the SLP 22720/2011 filed by BSNL is dismissed and the Hon CAT Bangalore judgement upheld in the case of notional service benefit to 2004 LDCE candidates. Hon High court also had earlier dismissed the WP 37322/2010 filed by BSNL. The case was fought under the leadership of Com S B Nagavi CS SNEA KTK and 123 others.. We congratulate and thank all the 123 comrades for their support and co-operation in this matter.
CS writes to Shri P Raghavan CGMT Karnataka to intervene and end the irrgularity promoted by GM Hassan to force the SDE/JTOs to engage HKS on temperory advance voilating all labour laws.. For letter click here... The oral instruction of GM is pushed by the DEs on the SDE/JTO to furhter split the vouchers to less than Rs. 500-00 so that they are out of their responsibility.,
CS has discussed all pending issues with DGM staff and will further persue with GM admn on 27-8-2011 as he will be attending Kolar District Conference on 26-8-2011.
Response of CS on the writing on some other site:
Noticing the works of SNEA(I) in Karnataka and at CHQ under the able leadership of Com G L Jogi, General Secretary, many young comrades of Davangere, Chickmagalur, Madikere, Mangalore, Tumkur, DNW Bangalore and Bangalore Telecom District have joined this organisation. Now comrades of Kolar have been joining this mighty organisation which has more than 2300 paid membership in Karnataka. We know to work for the betterment of the executives irrespective of any association he belongs, hence the cases of 31 rule 8 transfers in 2008-09, transer of Com Telagar, Com Damble, Com M A Suresh, Mahesh Kumar but somebody writes on the wall to take credit. We do not know how to make politics..and hence have this massive membership... It is an organisation built on the strong foundation laid by the eminant leader Com W Sheshagiri Rao, who built his house in the hearts of every comrade, every executive and we have no tradition of taking away the properties of the associations for our personnel gains and hence it has achieved its greatest faith in the heart and mind of executives.
In Kolar two JAOs wished to join SNEA(I). We most heartily welcome these young comrades to our organisation. There is still possibility of some more JTO/JAOs joining our association.
Kolar District Conference is scheduled to be held on Friday the 26-08-2011 at District Co-operative Union Hall near DCC Bank Kolar.. The Circle/CHQ leaders will be attending the conference...All the members of Kolar SSA are requested to positively attend the conference.....
Meeting with Sr. GM Admn Shri R Chandramouli:
CS along with Com Balakrishna Aithal AS and Com M S Hiremugadur DS BGTD have met GM Admn on 18-8-2011and discussed various issues. Regarding TERM CELL cases GM informed that two SDEs namely Manohar and Vaidya will be relieved immediately as per the discussion had with corporate office. We have requested to relieve all the SDEs under transfer orders. GM also informed that the 13 left out cases of E2E3 promotions the CRs have been verified and will be processed for the constituting DPC and orders will be issued shortly. Regarding the transfer of Com Tatapathi, SDE Bidar, case of less than two years GM informed that the file is under process and waiting for the approval of CGM( CGM not in HQRs). GM asked DGM staff to put up the case of Com Nagendra SDE BL, to put up with the CRs of 10-11 also; to review the case for the DE Offtg. The case of Com L N Badiger is now being re-processed after incorporating the necessary modifications in the APAR based on the expunged orders and will be settled shortly. Regarding the declining case of Com Udayaravi and Com Subramanya Bhat SDEs of DKTD; the declining of DE Offtg, provison exist and hence can excercise that but they will not get further officiating till one year.
Thirty Eight JTOs of Kolar SSA join SNEA(I) on 17-08-2011..!!!
Welcome to our young JTOs for joining their home organisation.
CS S B Nagavi along with Com Deepak ACS young SNEA leader from Madikeri, Com Balakrishna Aithal, AS from BGTD visited Kolar and attended the meeting of SNEA Kolar. More than 50 members attended the meeting. 38 JTOs have declared that they have joined SNEA in support of the working of SNEA for the welfare of JTOs and executives. The members condemned the biased attitude of some of the executives in Kolar to achieve their vested interest by framing and scapegoating the JTOs and taken a pledge to fight the injustice forced on the young JTOs who are working day and night. They have passed a resolution to bring it to the notice of the head of SSA along with the required evidences and if necessary to fight it organisationally also. DS Kolar Com Shridhar welcomed the gathering and given a brief report. Com Ramakrishna Presided the function. Com Deepak ACS, Com Nagavi CS addressed the gathering and welcomed the new members.
Later the team met GM Kolar and protested the unwarranted transfer order issued without following the transcfer policy. We have appealed to the GM to review the whole issue and not to act on the biased reports of the executives and thereby creat an atmosphere of harmony which is the need of the hour.
CS Com S B Nagavi reports back after one month leave.....
CS along with Com Balakrishna Aithal AS and Com M S Hiremugadur DS BGTD met Sr GM Admn Shri Chandramouli and discussed various issues. We have very strongly objected to the process of DPC, for not considering the APARs of 2010-11 and thereby keeping some SDEs out of the eligibility cretaria once again.. other wise they would have got the DE Oftg. The case of Com B Nagendra SDE BL was discussed in detail and GM finally agreed to look into the case. GM assurred to interfere to get the pending request transfer orders implimented with the concerned SSA once again. Otherwise circle office will directly relieve these SDEs. We have also requested for the transfer of Com Shridhar SDE Kolar at the earliest. We have also pressurised GM to relieve the remaining SDEs transferred to TERM Cell as per the clarification issued by the corporate office.
Preparatory training for TimeBound Upgradation On line Examinations is being arranged by SNEA BGTD. For details visit www.sneabgtd.com Memebers of rest of Karnataka may also attend if interested....
SDE to DE Officiating orders issued. For orders click here...
Option called for.. For SDE to DE Offtg at DVG/KWR/MCA/MDY/TMK... Click here for letter...
As Circle Secretary will be on leave for one month from 11-7-2011, Com Balakrishna Aithal AS will be in chage of the Circle Secretary post. For any emergency please contact his Mobile Number 9449850489. <<Letter>>
CS Com S B Nagavi, AS Com Balakrishna Aithal (CS incharge) and DS BGTD Com M S Hiremugadur today met CGMT Karnataka Circle Shri P Raghavan and discussed the following issures. (1) Non implimentation of Corp Order on reduction in the validity period as our CHQ has already taken up the issue with Director CM and assurred of keeping the order in abeyance. CGM immediately talked to GM (S&M) for the needful action. Later we have confirmed from GM S&M that in Karnataka so far the said reduction is not implemented and they are seekin clarification.(2) Shortrage of CLIP instrument/ UG cable/ Type 2 modems: CGM informed that already APO has been issued in respect of CLIP instrument and UG cable and we are expecting the supply. Regarding Type 2 modem- still no progress is seen. (3) Smooth supply of SIM cards to the SSAs. CGM informed us that still huge stock of SIM cards not activated is lying with the SSA. In entire Karnataka still 7 lackh SIM to be activated are pending. However he will still look into the case of Bellary any such issue exist and also gave instructions to GM S&M to check up with Bellary SSA. (4) Non felieving of the SDEs to the TERM Cell. CGM informed that decesion has been taken not to relieve the SDEs who are in the long stay list. However in one case due to the intervention of corporate office one SDE is relieved. In some cases where the SDEs are not in the long stay list action will be taken to relieve them. One SDE who is involved in the IP TAX migration work the relieving may be delayed by one and half month. We have cited some examples how the discrimination has been done in these cases. We have strongly protested the same. CGM further suggested us to discuss the matter with GM Admin for specific cases.
Later the team met DGM Staff Shri Prakash Rao and demanded that the officiating orders be issued in the cases of JTO to SDE and SDE to DE. We have made the point very clear that so far there are no instructions from the competant authority to stop these officiatings. Morever the stay is on the recent promotion order at Hon Chennai High Court and has no relation on other issues. DGM assurred to take positive action on Monday as GM Admin is on leave today.
CS also spoke to Shri Chandrashekar GM S&M and appraised the issues related to validity and SIM distribution and updated the action taken by our CHQ on this.
Com Balakrishna Aithal, CS in charge and Com M S Hiremugadur DS BGTD today met Sr GM Admin Shri Chandramouli and discussed various issues. (1) GM Assurred to relieve the SDEs left out cases to Term Cell ( Com Giridhar and Com Govinda Raj) except the SDEs who would in the long standing list.(2) Transfer of Com Adiraju and Shridhar: The case of Adiraju is being processed for approval as Madikeri is diffcult station and the case of Shridhar will be looked into. (3) Officiating in the cadre from JTO to SDE and SDE to DE: GM informed that it is being looked in legal angle based on recent court decesions and exploring the possibility of giving looking after of the posts. (4) Time bound promotions are being processed. (5) Relieving of Com Gopalraj to RTTC, Com Rajesh Naik to BGTD, Sharath Kumar to Mysore and Nagaraju Bangaru to AP. GM Admn spoke to the concerned GMs and informed to relieve immediately.
SNEA thanked GM admin for considering the transfer of Mahesh Kumar JTO from Tumkur to Bidar MS as requested by us to be substitute for Nagaraj Bangaru.
They have then met Shri G V Reddy GM NWP-CM and explained the difficulites faced by the field SDEs of 8 SSAs due to non extention of vehicle tender. GM informed that he will resolve the issue shortly.
Building Fund:
Comrades of Belgaum, Com D D Shanwad CWC memeber (Rs.5005-00), Com Jigajinni President SNEA BM (Rs.5000-00) and Com Com B S Padasalagi (Rs. 2000-00) have paid the building fund. Circle organisation is thankful to these comrades.