Notional date of promotion for the SDEs promoted in 2004 under LDCE quota: Hon High Court at Ernakulam on 30th Jan 2012 given judgment in favour of extending notional date of promotion w.e.f 23.01.2002 for the SDEs promoted in the LDCE quota in 2004 with similar benefits extended by Hon CAT, Banglore in OA 181/2009. The judgment has to be implemented in 2 months time which will be subject to the outcome of the RP pending at Hon High Court of Karnataka at Banglore.
The case at Bangalore was fought by Com S B Nagavi and 123 others upto Hon Supreme Court to end the unwarranted injustice faced by the LDCE passed SDEs and finally got the orders implemented in Karnataka for the applicants. SNEA Karnataka is further persuing with CHQ for the generalisation of the same to all the 1500 candidates all over the country. CS had detailed discussion on this issue yesterday with the GS Com G L Jogi during his visit to Bangalore yesterday.
Com. G.L.Jogi ,GS SNEA(I), Com. Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA and Com. Shilorao CHQ Pres. AIGETOA addressed on Viability of BSNL and Carear Progression of Executives on 30th Jan 2012 at CGMT Office. More than 650 executives incluidng young JTOs attended the meeting and taken a pledge to fight for their legitimate rights and for the survival of BSNL in the ongoing struggle programme in the coming days,... Many comrades from Kolar, Tumkur, Madikeri, Mysore have also attended. Com W Sheshagiri Rao, veteran leader of SNEA has also graced the accasion and given a call for comitted involvement in re-building the beloved company BSNL. Com M R Nagaraj DGM Finance presided the function. Com H Y Andeli CS AIBSNLEA welcomed the gathering and Com Manjunath CS AIGETOA extended the vote of thanks while Com S B Nagavi CS SNEA anchored the programme. Com M H Gombi AGS SNEA, Com B S Venkateshmurthy Circle President SNEA, Com R B Athani AGS AIBSNLEA, Com Ashok Shigli Circle President AIGETIOA were also on the dias. Com C K Gundanna, Convenor JAC also attended and addressed the meeting and extended the support of JAC.
Com. G.L.Jogi ,GS SNEA(I), Com. Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA and Com. Shilorao CHQ Pres. AIGETOA will be addressing on Viability of BSNL and Carear Progression of Executives on
30.01.2012 (MONDAY) @ 1.30 PM
at CGMT Office Auditorium, Ground Floor,
O/o CGM, Telecom, Karnataka Circle ,Ulsuru, Bangalore -560008.
All Executives of BSNL are cordially invited and requested to attend the same without fail to get updated on latest status.
COBs/DOBs are here by requested to give wide publicity through SMSs etc.
LDCE Court case
Refer to update on 23rd:
BSNL tried to creat an impression that the RP N0.315/2011 is admitted in Hon High Court of Kranataka. It has accepted the truth that the case is not yet admitted..For corrigendum from Corp Office click here...
LDCE Court case
Reply of BSNL CO for the representation of 2002 LDCE passed candidates as per OA 181/2011 of Premakumar and others ( Case fough by S B Nagavi CS SNEA KTK and others) of Hon CAT BG..For CO letter click here... BSNL claims that the case is admitted but the fact of the matter is the RP is still pending for admission and so far not admitted. For the latest status click here...<<1>> After 26-8-2011 hearing; honourable court instructed to comply office objections <<2>>, the case is further not heard and the status is still pending for admission..
Dharna on 20-01-2012:
Congratulations and thanks to the Executives of UF: All the SSAs including Bangalore have sucessfully held the Day Long Dharna Programme. Com M H Gombi AGS, CS Com S B Nagavi, Com Hiremugadaur DS BGTD, CS AIBSNLEA Com H Y Andeli, CS AIGETOA Com Manjunath and others have addressed at Bangalore. For the glimpses of Bangalore Dharna Click here...
on 20-01-2012
Ensure 100% participation of all executives to oppose the discriminative move of the ITS dominated management which is totally blocking our hard earned promotional opportunities by introducing the latest RRs to accomodate the non optee ITS officers and to ensure standard E2 and E3 scales for JTOs and SDEs. Every one of us have to rise to the occassion and take part in the said organisation action.
All DSs and COB to organise the programme effectively...
Com G L Jogi GS on his way back from Tamilnadu to Delhi visited Bangalore on 8-1-2012 and the Comrades of Bangalore along with CS Karnataka met him at WMS IQ. Comrades from BGTD Bangalore, Mysore, Chickmagalur and Kolar have also met GS. Com B S Venkateshmurthy Cricle President was also present during the meeting. We have discussed various issues relating to CHQ. Comrades of Kolar the newly formed branch of young comrades have contributed Rs.38,000-00 towards CHQ Building Fund. From Karnataka we have made our the DD of Rs.1,50,000 towards the CHQ Building Fund. The Total amount of CHQ Building Fund paid by Karnataka Circle is Rs. 11,15,000-00 which includes Rs. 4,50,000-00; the contribution of BGTD and Rs. 6,65,000-00 from rest of Karnataka . For glimpses of the meet click here...
Thanks and congratulations for the executives' of United Forum of Karnataka for their participation in LUNCH HOUR DEMONSTRATION yesterday. Now it time for us to get fully prepared for
on 20-01-2012
by our 100% participation to oppose the discriminative move of the ITS dominated management which is totally blocking our hard earned promotional opportunities by introducing the latest RRs to accomodate the non optee ITS officers and to ensure standard E2 and E3 scales for JTOs and SDEs. Every one of us have to rise to the occassion and take part in the said organisation action.
All DSs and COB to organise the programme effectively...
As per the CHQ call of the United Forum of Execurives' ( SNEA, AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA ) hold lunch hour demonstrations today the 16th Jan 2012 at all SSA headquarters and in Bangalore at CGMT office, Telephone House and WMS sanchar complex and make the programme a grand success..
All DSs and COB to organise the programme effectively...
(1) SDE to DE Offtg (2) PAs TBU subsequent The TBU of other cadre are being persued ...
CS along with CT Com Sureshkumar and AS Com Balakrishna Aithal met Sr GM Admn Sri R Chandramouli yesterday and discussed the foll0wing issues.
(1) Rule 8 transfers: GM informed that 2 more cases are being processed for approval as 2 of the earlieer approved cases denied to take transfer. We are persuing for remaining cases (2) Relieving of Com Venkata Vara Prasad JTO BM to MPLS NOC: After detailed discussion GM agreed to relieve him. (3) Forwarding of request transfer appln of Com Sharathchandra Bhat SDE DKTD: The same has been forwarded (4) Left our CRs forwarding to CO for DE adhoc prms: All the CRs except three cases are being sent by air courier tomorrow. (5) VC for adhoc DGM DPC: The VC have been sent on 8-1-2011 again (6) 2nd TBU of Civil wing : File approved by CGM and returned back to CE Civil and the second lot is in process. (7) SDE to DE Offtg: The DPC is in progress (8) Request transfer of Com Jagadish Bhat DE SMO to DKTD: GM informed to consider the same in March 2012 (9) 2nd TBU in the cadre of JTOs: 280 cases DPC is complete, file approved by CGM and orders will be released shortly. (10) Subsequent TBU upgradation in the cadre of SDE/DE: The cases in r/o PA/PS is complete and orders will be issued. Other cases will be processed after the issue of DE Offtg orders shortly.
JAC CALL : Conduct demonstrations on 10.01.2012
The JAC has given call to conduct demonstrations on 10.01.2012 on the issues of 3G roaming and refund of BWA spectrum amount to BSNL.
It is known to every one now, that Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, Tata Teleservices and Aircel were providing 3G services in circles where they have not acquired 3G spectrum. They were providing the service by sharing each others spectrum. This is violation of license conditions and caused huge loss of revenue to the govt. DOT banned this 3G intra circle roaming. One estimation is that, this 3G intra circle roaming has caused Rs.20,000 crore loss to the government. This looting by private companies has to be exposed among the people of this country.
BSNL has surrendered its BWA Spectrum in most of the circles. Govt. dumped this non-standard spectrum on BSNL. Now money should be refunded to BSNL for the spectrum that BSNL has surrendered. It is expected that BSNL may get around Rs.7000 crore as refund. Both these issues are very important. Circle and District Secretaries are requested to organize the demonstrations powerfully. View JAC Press Release
Programmes of Protest actions by the United Forum of Executives’ Associations... ( SNEA (I), AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA ) to impress upon the management to immediately abandon the arbitrary move to recruit Sr. DGMs and Jt. GMs in direct contravention of existing BSNLMS RRs and also to process the legitimate demand of standard IDA pay scales of E2 and E3 for JTOs and SDEs.
Country wide Lunch hour Demonstrations at Corporate / CGM / GM Hqs on 16-01-12.
Full day Dharna at Corporate / Circle / SSA Hqs on 20-01-12.
The UF CSs of all the associations met today at CTO and decided to hold meetings at important places at Bangalore to make the above programme a grand sucess. All the DSs/COB and activists of the UF are directed to take all steps including holding of the preparatorymeetings and make the above programmes a grand sucess.
Meeting with CGMT, PGM BGTD and other officers for extgending new year greetings:
On 2-1-2012 Com S B Nagavi CS, Com M H Gombi AGS, Com Balakrishna Aithal AS, Com M S Hiremugadur DS BGTD, Com Chidambar BS CO, Com Ranganayakulu DP BGTD and others met Shri P Raghavan CGMT KTK, Shri G V Reddy GM NWP CM, Shri Shenoy GM S&M, Shri R Chandramouli Sr GM Admn and also PGM BGTD Shri Shubhendu Ghosh and extended our new year greetings.
CGM on this occassion explained the improvement done in revenure generation and appealed for further improvement in the last quarter. CS invited his attention on the marketing activities being carried out by our executives and even the Gr C&D are being motivated to get them involved in this area of business. CGM also agreed to extend the GPRS facility to the executives to enhance the marketing activity.
PGM BGTD expressed his un-happiness of not giving the replacement of the DGMs in the repatriated vacancies. He has assurred to consider the requirements of our association in some genuine cases as demanded by DS BGTD.We have also congratulated him on the improvements done in mobile sector and getting the award and particularly the step taken by him to motivate the mobile staff on this occasion. We express our sincere thanks and gratitude to Shri Venkateshwarlu DGM mobile services for his tireless efforts in improving the mobile servies in Bangalore.
SNEA Karnataka Wishes all its members a happy and prosperous NEW YEAR 2012. CS personally thanks all the comrades and well wishers for their thousands of SMSs of new year in the last 3 days; which he could not personally reply..