As pursued by us the request transfers of JTOs is issued by circle office in respect of the following JTOs. (1) Nashikanth Jadhav BG to BM (2) K N Jitesh HSN to BGTD (3) Shaktidhara S C CKG to BGTD (4) Abhilash V R HSN to MR (5) Shalini Tyagi KLR to CO BG (6) Md Nafeel T KLR to MR ...
For Addresses Telephone numbers of Circle Office Bearers/District Secretaries/CHQ CLICK HERE .. Any correction send sms to Circle Secretary....
Comrades of Mangalur ( DK TD) have contributed Rs. 60,000-00, Branch Contribution Rs.37,000-00 and indidual contribution as detailed below....
L N Badiger......... Member......... Rs 5001
Annipoojary ..........Member ........Rs 2000
Padmanabha ........Member ........Rs 1000
Sundar N K........... Member ........Rs 1000
Vishwanatha .........Member ........Rs 1000
Lokesh ullal ..........Member ........Rs 1000
N N Prabhu ..........Member ........Rs 2000
Shankar Naik......... Member .......Rs 1001
Divakar Rai ...Dist President ......Rs 3000
shreedhar ...Dist Treasurer ........Rs 1000
Muralidhara K S.. Dist Secretary.... ..Rs 2000
Ganapathi Samaga Area sec South.. Rs 2000
Sudhakar Rai ....CEC member ........Rs 1000
Circle organisation is thankful to above comrades..
SNEA(I) is pursuing for the request transfers of JTOs in Karnataka Circle who have registered their names so far. We have had discussion with the GM Admn on the issue.
Jayanagar Branch BGTD Rs.50,000-00
NTB Branch BGTD Rs.40,000-00
Koramangala Branch BGTD Rs.20,000-00
Bg East Branch BGTD Rs.22,000-00
Malleshwaram Branch BGTD Rs.22,100-00
Vijayanagar Branch BGTD Rs.50,000-00
City Branch BGTD Rs.15,000-00
Circle organisation is thankful to above comrades..
Spl CL to attend CEC at Bangalore is sanctioned by CGMT Karnataka Circle. For letter Click here....
Shimoga Branch has Paid Rs. 30,000-00 towards CHQ Bldg Fund
Karwar Branch has Paid Rs. 24,000-00 towards CHQ Bldg Fund
Com Arun Diwate SDE STR Karwar Rs.5001-00
Report on District Conferences:
The conference was held on 19-06-2011 at Chamber of Commerce Meeting Hall at Shimoga under the Presidentship of Com S B Kopp.
Shri Radhakrishnan GM Shimoga was the Guest of Honour. In his address GM elaburated the variuous activities of Shimoga SSA and stressed the need of exploring the new areas of value added services in CFA/CM. He has thanked the organisation for having invited him and wished the conference a great success.
CS S B Nagavi had attended the conference and updated on the various acts of CHQ/Circle both on service matters as well as BSNL related issues. On the appeal of CS, the following comrades have announced their donations towards CHQ and Circle building Fund.
Com Kariayappa Rs.5001-00, Com H C Krishnamurthy DS Rs.3001-00, Com D N Hegde Rs. 2001-00, Com V N Bhat Rs. 2001-00 Com V Sadashiva Rs. 1001-00 Com K V Shivaram Rs. 1000-00, Com G Shashidhara Murthy Rs. 1000-00+ Rs.2001-00 Circle building fund, Com K Rajashekhar Rs. 1001-00 Com D Shreedhara Murthy Rs. 1001-00 Com M D Patil Rs. 1001-00Com Dattatri Rs. 1001-00 and Com G H Madlur Rs. 1001-00.
The Branch contribution of Rs.30,000-00 was also paid during the conference
Com H C Krishnamurthy presented the secreatary report. Com Hegde, Com Shivappa, Com Rajashekar and others have spoken on various issues of the SSA and Circle. More than 70 comrades attended the conference.
The following office bearers were unanimously elected for the next term.
President: Com S B Kopp , SDDE MS SMO
District Secretary : Com K Rajashekar SDE SMO
Treasurer: Com D Shreedhar Murthy SDE SMO
Circle organisation congratulates the newly elected office bearers and assures full support of the circle.
The CEC earlier scheduled to be held on 2-6-2011, postponned subsequently; is being held on Saturday the 2nd July 2011 at SNEA BHAVAN Saharar Nagar Bangalore. The CEC will be for only one day. Com G L Jogi, our beloved General Secretary CHQ will be addressing the CEC. All the District Secretaries, Circle Office bearers and the CEC/CWC members are requested to attend the meeting positively.
Note:For stay arrangement on the previous day if required will be arranged in SNEA Bhavan for those who register their names with the Circle Treasurer Com Sureshkumar ( Mob 9449857799).
For CEC noitice Click here... <<signed copy>>
Davangere SSA
Comrades of Davangere have donated the Circle Building Fund as detailed below.
- Com J Mahesh DS................... Rs 2000=00
- Com M Narasanna DE....... Rs 2000=00
- Com M H Prakash DE....... Rs 2000=00
- Com Prasad S.................................Rs.1000=00
Davangere Branch 1st Installment.....Rs.18,000-00
Total Contributions.................................Rs.25,000-00
Tumkur SSA
Comrades of Tumkur have donated the Circle Building Fund as detailed below as assurred in the District Conference.
1. Com H K Nagarathnamma.........Rs.1000-00
2. Com B C Nagaraja.......................Rs.1000-00
3. Com S Ravanna...........................Rs.1000-00
4. Com S A Aruna.............................Rs.1000-00
5. Com C Gurunatha.......................Rs.1000-00
6. Com M Gopalareddy...................Rs.1000-00
7. Com B Enjarappa........................Rs.1000-00
8. Com M P Maidargi.......................Rs.1000-00
9. Com T P Nijalingappa................Rs.1000-00
10. Com Bhimashena Shetty.........Rs.1000-00
11. Com N Krishna Murthy............Rs.1000-00
12. Com R B Joshi............................Rs.1000-00
13. Com H K Nagarathnamma.......Rs.1000-00
The progressive total of Tumkur Rs.34,500-00
Chickmagalur SSA
Comrades of Chickmgalur have donated the Circle Building Fund as detailed below as assurred in the District Conference.
1. Com C Chandrashekarappa.....Rs.1000-00
2. Com Mukund Jois.......................Rs.2000-00
3. Com A N Gopalakrishna............Rs.1111-00
4. Com Prasanna Kumar................Rs.2000-00
5. Com G Rajanna...........................Rs.2000-00
6. Com Venkaratamana Bhat.......Rs.1000-00
The progressive total of Chickmaglur Rs.72,619-00
Comrades of Bidar have donated the Circle Building Fund as detailed below.
- Com P. Tippanna DS ---------- Rs 2500=00
- Com Maruti President Rs 1100=00
- Com K Bakkappa Auditor Rs 2000=00
- Com B R Kunikeri member Rs 2111=00
- Com H R Dani Member Rs 1000=00
- Com DV Guru ADS Rs 1000=00
- Com Manjunath member Rs 1000=00
- Com Nagaraju Bandarker Memer Rs 2000=00
.......................Total Rs 12822=00
Circle organisation is thankful to above comrades..
Vijayanagar Branch of BGTD has collected Rs.40,000-00 towards CHQ Building Fund.
CTO Branch of BGTD has collected Rs.36,000-00 towards CHQ Building Fund.
Circle Organisation is thankful to the comrades of BGTD for having commenced the drive.
The DOB/Active members are requested to take active role in collecting the donation from other branches. DS BG TD Com Javali has appealed to all member. For appeal letter Click here... For more details visit sneabgtd.net
Comrades of Bijapur Distrct have paid Rs.30,000-00 towards CHQ building fund..
Circle Organisation is thankful to comrades of Bijapur.
So far Chickmagalur ( Rs.82,600-00), Mysore( Rs.40,000-00), Tumkur ( Rs.17,000-00), Madikeri ( Rs.21,013-00) Branches have paid the CHQ Building Fund.
We appeal other SSAs also to immediately remit the amount to circle.
Com J D Guled Circe Vice President has paid Rs.5001-00 towards CHQ building fund. We are thankful for the generous donation from our comrades...
Com V Mukundan Ex Circle President of SNEA(I) Karnataka lost his father. Shri Krishan aged 95 expired at Calicut yestereday. We deeply mourn the death of Shri Krishnan father of Com Mukundan. Circle President Com B S Venkateshmurthy will be attending the funeral today on behalf of SNEA Karnataka.
Report on District Conferences:
The conference was held on 29-05-2011 at TRC Hall Chickmaglur under the Presidentship of Com K L Shivanna.
Shri Radhakrishnan GM Shimoga in charge of Chickamalur was the Guest of Honour. In his address GM stressed the need of understanding each one's role, power and responsibility and act in a manner which helps BSNL to improve its market share. He appriciated the executives of Chickmaglur for the keen interest they have in the works of the district.
Com B S Venkateshmurthy Circle President, Com S B Nagavi CS, Com Sureshkumar CT and Com Satishkumar CWC member have attended the conference.
CS had thanked the comrades of Chickmaglur for their role in making the Karnataka Circle Conference a great success in Chickmaglur and the way the excellant arrangements were made for the delegates of Karnataka. CS also detailed all the CHQ/Circle issues.
Circe President B S Venkateshmurthy elaburated the sales and marketing activities and importance each one's role in this segment.
Com Sureshkumar CT thanked the Chickmaglur comrades for their generous contribution of Rs.1,05, 000-00 donation for the circle conference and also the timely payment of CHQ building fund. He further extended special thanks to Chickmaglur SNEA President Com K L Shivanna for donating Rs. 50,000-00 towards CHQ fund. Motivated by the above donation in the district conference the following comrades have further announced the donations as detailed below.
Com C Chandrashekarappa Rs.1008-00, Com Madhukar Rs.2001-00, Com Mukund Jois Rs. 2002-00, Com A N Gopalakrishna Rs. 1111-00, Com Prassanna Kumar Rs. 2002-00, Com G Rajanna Rs. 2002-00 and Com Venkaramana Bhat Rs. 1000-00. This is in addition to the Rs 25,000-00 already paid by the Branch.
Com K N Thyagaraja presented the secreatary report. Com Mukund Jois presented the accounts and also the accounts of circle conference and explained how economically it was conducted and thanked the comrades of Chickmaglur in achieving the economy by each and everybodies personnel contribution in the works of conducting the conference.
Com Shivanna thanked CHQ/Circle for the efforts they have done in ensuring the injustice done is retified in his posting on promotion while his juniors were given Karnataka Circle.
The following office bearers were unanimously elected for the next term.
President: Com K L Shivanna, DE CKG
District Secretary : Com A N Gopalakrisha SDE CKG
Treasurer: Com Mukund Jois SDE STR CKG
Circle Organisation congratulates the new team and extends its full support.
The conference was held on 05-06-2011 at Conference Hall of GM Office Tumkur under the Presidentship of Com Madesha.
Com B S Venkatesh Murthy Circle President, Com S B Nagavi CS and ACS Com S Shridhar have attended the conference.
CS Com S B Nagavi in his address detailed the achievements of the CHQ and circle and appealed the comrades to liberally donate the CHQ building fund. Responding to the appeal the folloing comrades have announced donations.
Com Chandji Malla Rs.3001-00, Com Nagarathanamma Rs.1001-00, Com Madesha Rs. 1001-00, Com Shridhar S Rs. 1008-00, Com Sangameshwaraiah B G Rs. 2001-00, Com B C Nagaraja Rs. 1001-00 and Com Revanna S Rs. 1000-00. Com Gurunath C Rs.1001-00, Com Shibhu A P Rs.1001-00, Com Gopalareddy M Rs. 1001-00, Com Devagiriyappa H Rs. 1001-00, Com B Enjarappa Rs. 1001-00, Com Venkatagiriyappa M Rs. 1501-00 and Com Maidargi M P Rs. 1000-00.Nijalingappa T P Rs. 1001-00 and Com Bhimashen Shetty Rs. 1000-00. Com Rangaswamy Rs.1001-00, Com Suresh M C Rs.1001-00, Com Krishna Murthy N Rs. 1001-00, Com Nagendra Rao T N Rs. 1001-00, This is in addition to the Rs. 17,000-00 already paid.
Circe President B S V Murthy in his address stressed the need of organisational unity and the role of SNEA in bringing BSNL to a better position.
The meeting commenced with the invocation by Kum Deepashee. Com B G Sangameshwaraiah presented the secreatary report. Com Shivananda presented the accounts. Com Chandji Malla DE on his superannuation retirement was falicitated by SNEA Tumkur.
The following office bearers were unanimously elected for the next term.
President: Com M Venkatagiriyappa , SDE TMK
District Secretary : Com B G Sangameshwariah SDE TMK
Treasurer: Com S Revanna SDE STR TMK
Circle Organisation congratulates the new team and extends its full support.
CS Com S B Nagavi along with ACS Com Hiremugadur, CT Com Sureshkumar met Sr GM Admn Shri Chandramouli and discussed on the following points. (1) Releiving of Com Sudhakar Gour SDE RCR to RTTC My- GM immediately spoke to GM NWO and instructed to relieve him immediately as the substitute has already joined. (2) Implementation of old transfer orders- GM said he is persing the cases. (3) Request transfers of DEs - GM assured to look into and further discuss with CGM (4) E3-E4 TBU and other cases. GM assurred to speed up the DPC (5) SDE to DE Officiating: GM said the CRs are being received from the SSA and DPC will be held shortly.
Later CS along with other met GM NWP CM Shri Shubhendu Tiwari and discussed the case of SDE relieving to RTTC My. GM assured that Shri Gour will be relieved on 6-6-2011. GM also congratulaterd SNEA for for achieving the revenue award and also taking up the development issues at various levels.
Bellary outgoing request transfers of SDEs: Orders issued today. This was being persued by circle organisation for a long time. Even last year we got the deputation order issued in case of Com Telagar. We are thankful to comrades of Bellary for their patient waiting even though it was not their fault. We also thank circle administatrion for finally taking a decesion on this issue. For order click here....
Long awaited Bellary outgoing request transfers of SDEs approved by CGMT BG. Orders are likely to be issued tommorrow...
Maran has 323 telephone lines in Chennai. For more news Click here..