The transfer ordered by GM Kolar in respect of Com Narain Nandakumar, DS SNEA Kolar, challanged at Hon CAT Bangalore vide OA No.377/2011 is declared illegal and the impunged orders cancelled vide Hon CAT order dated 22-11-2011. Com Narain Nandakumar joins back to Mulbagal. SNEA has earlier protested on the tranfer order issued by the high handed action of Kolar administration. CGM Karnataka also shown no interest to restore justice in the matter despite our humble request.
AGM Kolar Shri Ramachandra gave one sided, biased vindictive report without actually finding the facts/details on a false complaint; which resulted in this illegal transfer. (The alledged complaint given on 4-8-2011, transfer issued on 5-8-2011 and relieved on 6-8-2011 without even giving room to make over his group of exchanges) Under his leadership in his chamber with a team of local SDEs, a forcible apology letter was taken from the said JTO on 5-8-2011. Later in the enquiry conducted by the AGM of circle office at Mulbagal and Kolar it is revealed that none of the allegations in the complaint have been established including the documentary evidence like the 7 days EL application as mentioned in the said complaint. It has also established that an apology letter was obtained by the said AGM in his chamber which is un-authorised, illegal and un called for. This case is clear proof of using the innocent officer as their tool to achieve their vested interests to punish another innocent officer. The adminstration instead of really taking action on illegal activity of this officer; has un-necessarily transferred the said innocent JTO. The said AGM is in Kolar SSA for more than 20-25 years.
We acknowledge and appriciate the brave fight shown by the comrades of Kolar and their unity especially Com Narain, who has shown his patience, determination and courage to fight against the injustice.
The stand taken by the association is vindicated. We strongly condemn the actions of Shri Ramachandra AGM Kolar and the then GM Kolar. SNEA will never tolerate injustice and will continue to fight in future also if such attempts are tried again by these elements.. SNEA has once again proved that it will fight for justice especially for our young JTOs ..
27-11-11: The inconvience caused is regretted as our website was not working for the last 5 days due to server failure of the domain provider RICHESD. SNEA BGTD strongly protests the sinister plan BGTD management to out-source the OFC equipment installation work to a tenderer and make the BSNL absorbed officer outdated. SNEA Karnataka fully supports the stand of BGTD. For details view..
SNEA BGTD strongly protests the sinister plan BGTD management to out-source the OFC equipment installation work to a tenderer and make the BSNL absorbed officer outdated. SNEA Karnataka fully supports the stand of BGTD and condemn this sort of ITS activity when they are under the orders of repatriation. For details view..
UF of Executives Karnataka passed resolution on the ITS repatriation issue on the day of Dharna 22nd November 2011. For resolution click here..
Massive Dharna in all SSA headquarters by 100% participation all executives of SNEA(I) and AIBSNLEA under the banner of the UF held in Karnataka today..
Record number of executives have participated at CGMT Office Bangalore. Com W Sheshagiri Rao, veteran SNEA leader addressed the programme. For the GLIMPSES of Bangalore programme click here...
The UF of Karnataka Circle appeals to all the executives of Karnataka circle to participate in the 22nd DHARNA PROGRAMME enmass (100%)as per the CHQ call to show our unity and concern on the delay in the repatriation of NON OPTEEs to DOT. Comrades now all the activities, decesion on any issue are in state of cold storage. The present state of affairs in BSNL is in no way helping to make U turn of the company. Time has come to rise to the occasion and act swiftly to end this stalemate.
The Dharna will be held at all SSA headquarters and in Bangaloare at CGMT Office premises.
Preparation for 22nd Nov 2011 Dharna:
The lunch hour meeting was held at WMS premises on 18-11-2011 and more than 300 executives assembled and resolved to participate in the 22nd Naovember Dharna to be held at Circle Office Bangalore. CS Com S B Nagavi, AS Com Balakrisha Aithal, DS BGTD Com Hiremugadur, CWC member Com Jayaprakash Javali and from AIBSNLEA, CS Com H Y Andeli, DS Com Huliraju and others have addressed the gathering.Com Ranganayakulu of SNEA BGTD presided over the function.
Preparation for 22nd Nov 2011 Dharna in full swing!!!
The lunch hour meeting held at NTB on 16-11-2011 resolved for 100% participation on the 22nd Dharna by the comrades of BGTD. CS Com S B Nagavi, AS Com Balakrisha Aithal, DS BGTD Com Hiremugadur, OS Com K N Muralidhar and from AIBSNLEA, CS Com H Y Andeli, DS Com Huliraju and others have addressed the gathering. Com Ranganayakulu of SNEA BGTD presided over the function.
Today on 18-11-2011, the meeting is arranged in WMS compouned Jayanagar and large gathering of members of UF is expected..
Lunch Hour Demonstrations
Hats Off to the Executives' of Bangalore for the unity and solidarity shown by them in opposing the stand of the BSNL management in implimenting the ITS repatriation..Record number of executives assembled in front of CGMT Bangalore Office from all parts of Bangalore and participated in the LUNCH HOUR DEMONSTRATION and assurred to make the 22nd Dharna programme a great success. Com Gundanna CS BSNLEU and Convenor JAC, Com S B Nagavi CS SNEA, Com H Y Andeli CS AIBSNLEA, Com Hiremugadur DS SNEA BGTD, Com Nagaraj President AIBSNLEA have spoken on the occassion. For the glimpese of the assembly click here... Similar Lunch Hour Demonstrations were also held at all District Headquarters..
Alert !!! United Forum of BSNL Executive Associations Central Headquarters, New Delhi writes to CMD, BSNL regarding protest actions against repatriation of ITS Officers in phased manner and impressing upon him the urgency of enmass repatriation of ITS in the larger interest of the organisation . Further informing him that the objective of United Forum in launching programmes of protest action solely to safeguard the interest of the company rather than protecting the interest of the ITS which is the sole objective of BSNL management. <<<<Notice>>>>>
A) Lunch /closing hours Demonstrations at Corporate/Circle/SSA Hqs on 15th Nov.,2011
B) Full day Dharna on 22nd Nov., 2011 at Corporate/Circle/SSA Hqs.
C) Massive rallies at all National/State Capital Hqs, dates for which would be communicated in due course of time.
UF Karnataka resolves to participate 100% in the programme. For latest updates visit chq site...
Simple way of AN RAX connectivity in rural exchanges...
Com K Venkat Rao, JTO Ramanathapur, Hassan SSA (9448059993) has explored the simple way of connecting AN RAX to PC without using the dumb terminals for executing the commands and maintanance..We find it is useful for all our JTO/SDEs handling the AN Rax exchanges. To download the proceedure click here... SNEA acknowledges and congratulates Com Venkat for his innovative effort..
CHQ News.... United Forum of BSNL/MTNL Executive Associations decided to Protest against move to sabotage the absorption process in the name of phased manner repatriation strategy - Country wide protest planned to protest against the sinister move by the BSNL/MTNL management to derail the absorption process - United Forum of BSNL/MTNL executives Associations decided to hold country wide demonstrations on 15th Nov 2011 and massive country wide dharna on 22nd Nov 2011 at SSA/ Circle Headquarters followed by massive rallies at Capital headquarters. Circle/SSA/Branch Secretaries/Activists of the Association are requested to make elaborate preparations for these organisational actions. >>>>>>>>>>> SNEA Karnataka fully supports and endorses the CHQ call and all the activists, cirece office bearers and the DSs requested to hold preparatary meetings to ensure the programme a great, great success with 100% participation .. |
Response in the mail box of CS SNEA KTK on ITS repatriation news in our website on 9-11-2011; for more read....
ITS repatriation..
Twelve Sr.GM/GMs have been relieved to DOT on repatriation from Karnataka today in the 1st Phase, They are..
(1)Shri N Venkatesh Rao Sr GM West BGTD
(2) Shri Shubhendu Tiwari GM NOW CM BG
(3) Shri S R N Prasad GM HR BGTD
(4) Shri K V V Sathyanarayan Sr GM BM
(5) Shri G V Ramana Rao GM BJP
(6) Shri Ram Gopal GM CFA CO BG
(7) Shri K V K Prasad Rao GM BGTD
(8) Shri N R Natarajan GM Kolar
(9)Shri N Chandrashekara GM SM CO BG
(10) Shri M A Khan Sr GM BGTD
(11) Shri R K Guptha GM Mdy
(12) Shri R C Rastogi GM Hsn
We are thankful for their services in BSNL especially the services of Shri N Chandrashekara GM Sales, Shri R K Gupta GM Mandya and Marketing and that of Shri Shubhendu Tiwari GM Mobile services for their dedicated works in their respective fields.
Attention Circle/SSA/Branch Secretaries -
Telegrams from CSs/SSA Secy’s/Branch Secy’s addressed to Sh Kapil Sibal, MOC&IT, 1st floor Sanchar Bhawan, 20 Ashoka Road, New Delhi 110001 with Copies to Milind Deora, MOS for C&IT and R.Chandrashekar, Secy/DOT on the same address to be sent immediately.
TEXT of the Telegram
Joint Forum of BSNL Absorbed Executive Associations ITS dominated BSNL management defeating ITS absorption on lines similar to 2005 - No strategy plan of action so far - Deliberate delay larger sinister strategy to plunge the Company in crisis to justify and force continuing illegitimate deputation at the eleventh hour. More than 300 direct recruit Gr A, 3000 promoted Gr A and 50,000 Gr B absorbed executives highly qualified, talented and competent to maintain flawless services and growth related functions. Joint forum of absorbed executives seeks immediate intervention to implement Government’s decision on absorption which is being defeated by persistent collaborative diabolical strategy of BSNL management and ITS for 11 years ...................................Circle/SSA/Branch Secretary SNEA (India), .......................(Name of the Circle/SSA/Branch ) |
Media report on ITS absorption issue in Deccan Herald and Prajavani. People having damaged BSNL being an inside-outsider are on the move to damage further through media. They are trying to hide the fact their non belongingness to BSNL and most ineffective management, wrong planning, improper implimentation of various projects etc., has lead to the present stage of the company. Sufficient absorbed officers are there to take care of BSNL and it wants to run by its own employees' and executives' who have their full stake in the compny; which could not be done by these deputationists for 11 years who are having the previlage of Govt Pay, facilities of BSNL, not having the risk of their bread and butter like the BSNL absorbed officers and employees'.If they really have concern for the company they still provision exist to get absorbed before 8th Nov 2011.We have to apprise this fact at every level.. For the Deccan hearld 2 page news report Click here.. For the Prajavani 2 page report Click here..
LDCE court case related issues:
(1) Corp Office issues orders to non-recruiting (STR, STP, WTP, T&D,ITPC) circles for the implimentation of the Hon CAT order dtd 24-10-2010 in OA 181/2009.. For letter click here..
(2) STR issues instructions for implimentatkion of above order. For letter click here..
(3) Provision exists to revise the opton for pay fixation due to unforseen development or change of rules..( DOPT OM No.13/2/97-Estt.(Pay-I) dtd 12-12-1997).. For copy click here..
(4) For Hon CAT BG daily order dtd 25-102011 (on Contempt Petition 38/10 filed by S B Nagavi on non implimentation of order on OA 181/2009)..click here..
Also visit.... www.ldce2004bsnl.com
Details called for; for TBU preponement consequent on Hon CAT BG order implimentation. For letter click here..
Options called for LDCE Case pay fixation:
CGMT Karnataka office has called for option before 5-11-2011. Hence concerned SDEs may immediately give option. For circle office letter click here. For option details visit www.ldce2004bsnl.com
LDCE Case pay fixation:
Pl visit www.ldce2004bsnl.com for giving option for pay fixation and also for the details of pay fixation calculation on deferred option .. S B Nagavi CS will visit Sanchar Complex WMS Bangalore on 2-11-2011 at 1300 hours. Interested SDEs may alos meet him to get details on the issues.