LDCE Court Case:
CGMT Karnataka issued orders for implimentation of the Hon CAT order endorsed by BSBL office within 10 days to enable to comply to Hon CAT BG... For order click here << part 1>> << part 2 >> . For the orders in respect of STR/STP/T&D seperate order is expected shortly...
For other details on issue please visit www.ldce2004bsnl.com
All the candidates in the court list ( 124 SDEs) are requested to be present near SNEA Bhavan, Sahakar Nagar, Bangalore on 1-11-2011 Tuesday at 1200 hours positively to discuss on further course of action regarding opting for CDA pay scales fixation till promotion to SDE grade and also about the implications of Review Petition etc..,
Address of SNEA Bhavan: No 1020, B Block, Behind Police Out Post, Sahakar Nagar Bangalore 92.
Bus Route: Any Bus Going to International Airport or Yelahanka and to get down at Kudigehalli Cross after Hebbal Fly over and take auto to above address with minimum charges. From Majestic City Bus stop the Direct Buses to SNEA Bhavan available; .Plat Form No.23 Bus Numbers are 288D and 288M
Kodagu Dist Conference:
The Conference was held on 23-10-2011with the colorful arrangements at Hotel Hill Town Madikeri..The website of SNEA Kodagu was inaugurated by GM Mysore Shri G.Gouri Sankar who is in charge of Kodagu SSA also. The glance of full report can be had by visiting the site. For more visit http://www.sneakodagu.blogspot.com/
Com A Lingappagowda SDE, Com D J Panchakshari JTO and Com Leela Dayananda SDE have been unanimously elected as the District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively..
The association under the leadership of above comrades is now built very strong and its membership increased from 20 to more than 65. All young JTOs of Madikeri have joined our organisation duly recognising the works of district and especially the issues taken by circle organisation like rule 8 transfers, EPF issues and timely intervention of CS SNEA KTK in all the issues of these young JTOs at circle level. The JTOs of 2007/2008 batch urged for the early settlement of the pay scale issue. CS/AGS assurred of our positive action to take up the matter with CHQ for needful additional action in the matter; as it is already in the agenda of SNEA CHQ as per Bhopal CWC resolution..
Com D J Panchakshari in his DS report congratulated and welcomed all young JTOs for their active role in their home organisation the SNEA and also placed on record the support and help rfendered by the circle especially the CS on all the crucial issues handled in respect of Kodagu SSA. Com Leela Dayananda presented the accounts and Com Lingappagowda has presided the session and appriciated the works of the DS and the young JTOs for their commited works for the company and the SNEA.
Com. M H Gombi AGS , Com. B S Venkatesh Murthy, Circle President SNEA(I) Karnataka Circle, Com. S B Nagavi Circle Secretary SNEA(I) Karnataka circle, Com. P Deepak Kumar ACS SNEA(I) Karnataka circle, Com. Suresh Kumar Treasurer SNEA(I) Karanataka circle,Com Vishakanta Murthy DS Mysore have attended and addressed the delegate session.
In the Open session GM Mysore/Kodagu Sri. G Gouri Sankar as Chief guest addressed and appriciated the works of SNEA members in Madikeri and elavating the SSA for the class of high revenue and profit making unit. Sri. Janardhana Naik DGM Madikeri also addressed and wished the conference a great sucess..
An amount of Rs.10,500-00 ( Com Geetha.N.P JTO CSR Madikeri,Rs.2001,Com Saraswathi JTO MNP Madikeri,Rs.1501, Com Leela Dayanand SDE EB,Rs.1000, Com Keshavamurthy SDE CSR Rs.1000, Com Samiulla SDOT Kushalnagar,Rs.1000, Com Indumathi SDE NS Rs.1000, Com Ponnappa JTO CAF&DRC Rs.1000, , Com Mahadev SDOP Gonikoppa Rs.500, Com Nanjundaiah SDEP Somawarpet Rs.500, Com Shrikar JTO Srimangala Rs.500 and Com Rahul Raj JTO Polibetta Rs.500) ..has been assured to donate to the circle building fund on the appeal of CS SNEA KTK. This is in addtion to the already paid donation. Circle organisation is thankful to the comrades of Kodagu for the generaous help rendered..
For photos of open session Click here...
LDCE Court Case:
Historic achievement to restore the injustice caused to the 2004 LDCE passed executives. After sustained struggle of 4 years today BSNL Corporate office issued orders to impliment the Hon CAT Bangalore order on OA (181/2009 ) filed by Com S B Nagavi and 123 others.. However this is subject to the outcome of the REVIEW PETITION filed before Hon High Court of Karnataka. Candidates may contact Com S B Nagavi CS SNEA KTK ( 9448010565 ) for further details in the matter. For order copy click here.
LDCE Court Case:
The contempt petition filed by Com S B Nagavi, SDE BG against non implimentation of the Hon CAT Bangalore( OA 181/2009 )order on notional benefit is coming up for hearing on 25-10-2011 in CAT Bangalore. The WP ( 37322/2011) filed by BSNL was dismissed by Hon High Court Bangalore. The SLP ( 22720/2011 ) filed there on by BSNL; was also dismissed by Hon Supreme Court on 25-8-2011
{ Extract of Hon Supreme Court Judgement " We find no merit in the SLP. The special leave petion is dissmissed. We direct the petitioners to comply with the orders within two month from today".}
The case was fought by Com S B Nagavi and 123 others from Karnataka. The learned Counsel Shri P A Kulkarni of Bangalore has represented the applicants in all Hon Courts; even at Supreme Court..
For more details on LDCE and seniority related issues please visit www.ldce2004bsnl.com
Biased actions of GM Kolar..
CS has obtained the report of the fact finding committee under RTI in respect of the complaint on JTO Mulbagal Com M Narain Nandakumar. None of the allegations in the complaint are sustained and established, on the contrary we found that the complaint is false and also some local offices including AGM Kolar have colluded in getting an apology letter under the leadership of AGM Kolar who is the controlling officer of the said section and thereby helping the biased actions of the GM. Some of these officers are working in Kolar for more than 25 to 30 years and it is unfortunate that they are involved in such activities; otherwise there is no scope in the official proceedures/rules to assemble in the room of AGM, (in large number including officers not concerned/related to the said section) call the JTO and get a apology letter and ensure the transfer order on the smae day without giving any chance to the JTO to explain/depend his position. This is a very high handed action. All the rules and proceedures were voilated and vindictive action is being forced on an young JTO who otherwise was known for his hard and efficient work at his Group of exchanges. Actually action needs to taken on these officers. This sort of activity needs to condemned and protested. CS writes to CGMT Karnataka Shri P Raghavan to restore justice as assurred by respected CGM during our meetings held several times with CGMT Karnataka in this connection. We are hopeful of justice from the circle administration. The detailed letter of 3 pages will be published in this website shortly.
Rule 8 transfers of JTOs:
We have been pursuing the rule 8 transfers of JTOs with the circle administration. Now the top 4 cases in the WL of rule r transfers have been approved by CGMT. (1) Com Nilesh M K MS KTK to MH (2) Com K S Vijayan My TD to Kerala (3) Com P Kavitha BGTD to Kerala (4) Rajesh Kr Palai CKG to Orissa..
We will continue to pursue the remaining cases also.
Nine months more for BSNL ( The Financial Express News)…..
BSNL would not have money to pay salaries to its nearly 2.8 lakh employees for more view..
CS writes to Shri P Raghavan CGMT Karnataka to revise the postings of 15 JTOs of BGTD who have been posted to Circle office on officiating as SDEs and PGM BGTD is not relieving them due to deep diffierence of opinion of the two administration. SNEA feels that disturbing in the middle of the academic year is not fair. For letter Click here..
Strike deferred to the 1st week of November
The JAC meeting held on 04.10.2011, reviewed the discussion that took place between the JAC leaders and Director (HR) on 03.10.2011. Since the management did not respond to our demands, the JAC decided to go ahead with the strike. However, with a view to pave way for united struggle, the JAC unanimously decided to defer the strike to the first week of November. The JAC will again meet on 17.10.2011 and finalise the exact date of the strike.