Request Transfers/ Long Stay transfer orders issued: For order copy click here...
Request Transfers/ Long Stay transfers:
Orders are likely to be issued today.
CS Com S B nagavi will be attending the AIC at NANDED and will be back on 4-4-2012.. For any emergency please Com Jayaprakash Javali CWC member (9449826868)
CS Com S B Nagavi and ACS Com M H Gombi met Shri P Raghavan CGMT Bangalore on 21-3-2012 and greeted him on his birthday. CGM informed about some improvement in the supply of instruments and cables. He has also informed that there will be about 5% revenue increase compared to last year.
CS along with DSBGTD and AS Balakrishna Aithal today met Sr GM Admn Shri Chandramouli and pressurised afor the early issue of TBU in respect remaing of SDEs. GM informed that next week orders will be issued.
We have also requested GM to minimise the long stay transfers to the barest minimum in view of the hardships faced by the executives. Due to regular retirements the shortages exist everywhere and work pressure is increasing especially in the outdoor duties. GM assurred to look into our request positively.
Time Bound Upgradations:
325 TBU orders issued...
For orders click below... <<E2E3Part1>> <<E2E3Part2>> <<E2E3Part3>> <<80 Dr JTO TBU>> << 93 FTBU>><< Rtd TBU >>
All India Conference at Nanded:
All the District Secretaries are requested to give the names of the delegates to the CS immediately on or before 20-3-2012.
It may be noted that one delegate be elected for every 30 paid members and extra delegate can be allowed only if the part is 20 or more members.
It may also be ensured that the Circle/CHQ quota upto Feb 2012; also to be paid to the circle Treasurer Com Sureshkumar ( 9449857799) immediately...
Karnataka Circle Transfers:
Combined long stay list of Bangalore Published by Circle Office.. For list Click here.. For letter Click here
CS along with Com Jayaprakash Javali CWC member, Com Balakrishna Aithal AS and Com Hiremugadur DS BGTD met Sr GM Admn Shri R Chandramouli and discussed various issues.
325 cases TBU/SU of JTOs have been approved by CGMT Karnataka. Orders are likely to be released on Monday..
28 cases of TBU/SU of JTOs in respect of Electrical wing are also approved by CGMT KTK today.
The scruitiny of the SDE cases is almost complete and next week the DPC process is likely to complete.
We are continuously pursing these cases.
The long standing list in respect of MS wing is received by circle office. We will try to publish the combined list on Monday..
We are also pursuing for the consideration of request transfer JTOs with the management and hopeful of positive action..
CGMT Karnataka issued instructions to Grant Special Casual Leave for delegates to attend AIC at Nanded Maharastra For letter Click here..
CS today visited CO and reviewed the progress of the TBU. DGM Staff Sh Prakash Rao informed that another set of 325 TBU/SU in the cadre of JTOs is ready and will be put up for CGMs approval and orders are likely to be issued shortly. The scruitiny work in respect of SDEs is in progress and likely to be completed by tomorrow. Next week orders are likely to issued as the ommmissions noticed have benn complied by BGTD also. The Electrical TBU in respect of JTOs is also ready and will be put up to CGMT for approval.
Regarding Long stay transfers we have requested for the common list combining BGTD,CO,MS etc.,. We have been informed that lists are awaited by concerned units and once it is received from MS and BGTD it will be published..
Latest on left out LDCE: Click here..
All India Conference at Nanded.
CS writes to CGMs for grant of Spl CL to attend AIC at Nanded.. For letter click here... For CHQ notice click here..
As scheduled earlier the MEETING OF THE STR BRANCH OF ROK will be held today at 1100 hours at Bangalore at SNEA Bhavan, Sahakar Nagar Bangalore to discuss the Out door problems in Karnataka State. Com S Shreedhar ACS representing STR/STP will attend and address the same.
CS along with DS BGTD Com Hiremugadur and AS Com Balakrishna Aithal met GM Admn and discussed the following points. ( 1) Time Bound Upgradation of left out cases: GM informed that one more list scruitiny is in progress and by week end we may release the orders after DPC. He also spoke to DGM Admn BGTD and depute an SDE to give the missing details of around 25 cases to avoid deleting of such names in the next order. Administraion has also give us the list to DS BGTD to pursue the same with BGTD Admn. (2) Considering the request transfers of SDEs/ SDEs gone on long stay.. Administration has furnished the details of the proposed distrubances of long stay to consider the request/long-stay-return cases.
A. BGTD+CO+MS-...54 (48+6) B. Davangere- 7 C. Karwar 6 D. RTTC MY-2....We have informed that we will study the details and come back for further discussion. (3) Hubli WL: As discussed earlier with GM Admn agreed to restore the WL of last year and the letter issued in r/o of deletion in the WL will be cancelled. The final list would be view.. Further we will also pursue for considering the Huble request tranfers to the extent of vacancies. (3) Consideering the request transfer of JTOs. GM assurred to look into the same after finalising the SDEs transfers..
Extract of CHQ update on 12-3-2012 on LDCE:
LDCE 2004 - Review Application on notional date of promotion:
The review Petition ( RP 315 /2011 ) filed by BSNL at Hon High Court of Karnataka at Bangalore against the judgment of notional fixation in case of LDCE passed 124 candidates of Karnataka in OA No.181 / 2009 was dismissed on 02-03-2012. This case has been fought mostly by our comrades under the efficient leadership of our Karnataka Circle secretary Com.S.B.Nagavi. Hats off to Karnataka circle comrades for their tireless efforts.
Our Association already taken up the case with BSNL Management for generalisation of the case and was waiting for the outcome of the review petition. As our association is trying for the generalisation, our comrades from other parts of the country need not approach different courts for the time being.
For Review Petition Judgement Copy on LDCE notional fixation realesed Click Here for copy..
CS along with DS BGTD and AS Com Balakri shna Aithal met GM Admn on 5-3-2012 and pursued the remaining TBU cases and request transfer cases of JTO/SDEs...
On going LDCE:
Two differant cases were moved in Hon CAT Bangalore yesterday, one by officiating JTOs (TTAs) and another by SDE to get admission/stay in the said examination. Stay not granted. Hence we request all the candidates appearing for the examination to kindly concentrate on the examination. We wish all the candidates ; best of luck in the examination to be held on 4th March 2012. Let us think positaive and march forward..
We also thank the legal cell of circle offfice for their needful intervention in explaining the court on the adverse impact on thousands of candidates who have prepared for the examination spending their months of leave and the long awaited career progression our our young comrades... All the best once again...
Left out LDCE passed candidates of 2004 (promotion year) SDEs are meeting at circle office Bangalore (CGMT Karnataka Ulsoor BG) at 1330 hours today to take stock of the latest position to get the benefit extended to them also like 124 candidates who have already got the benefit in OA No 181/2009 of Hon CAT Bangalore...
The RP 315/2011 filed by BSNL against the judgement of notional fixation in case of LDCE passed 124 candidates of Karnataka in OA No.181/2009 is dismissed by the Hon High Court of Karnataka today . CS SNEA will take up the case with CHQ for its generalisaion which he has already discussed in detail with Com G L Jogi GS SNEA in Hyderabad yesterday.
The prouncement of judgement on Review Petition filed by BSNL in OA 181/2009, the case of notional pay fixation and service benefits vide RP No. 315/2011 is scheduled at 1430 hours of tomorrow the 2-3-2012.